Writing & Editing

The scope and range of work in this category includes the editing and/or writing of:

  • Website content
  • Collateral, marketing, and sales material
  • Social Media content
  • Blog pages/postings
  • Humanizing AI generated content

You are guided in addressing both prospect and customers’ needs and requirements in and through your written material and visual presentations.

Your material becomes:

  • Reader/Viewer friendly – written in second person
  • Stated in the positive – avoiding the use of negative phrasing
  • Using predominantly present tense – rather than past or future tense
  • Culminating in a “Call to Action”

With two books in different genre:

  • That Ain’t Not Right – The Use And Abuse of the English Language                                                                                                                            and
  • 88 Successful Event Strategies 

Plus recent complete book editing for three different authors, you have access to a wide variety of approaches to meet your specific needs and requirements. Complete the form, call Hiett Ives at 832-372-6900 or email to Hiett@HiettIves.com to discuss these communication tools.

Editing Services Houston - Hiett Ives

Join Hiett’s Hip Team

Who among you thinks the English language is being abused – both in what we write and how we say things – and would like to see that turned around?

One way is by becoming a member of the over 800 strong That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) – The Use and Abuse of the English Language “opt in” team.

  • As a ‘Hiett’s Hip Team’ member you receive, every Tuesday morning, an Email which is an “In Box” regular, and has been since October 25, 2016 – that’s over 350 editions, close to a year of Tuesdays. Each week addresses a particular use or abuse of the English language from a variety of perspectives – quite often with fun and easy ways to address, use and/or correct the topic at hand!!

20-30 Minute Keynote Presentations

  1. That Ain’t Not Right – The Use and Abuse of the English language A fun, fast moving, audience participation Keynote presentation where you’re made aware of many of the more common, every day misuses and abuses of the English language as well as the linguistic history of many of the words and phrases we use.  Its content and tips are ideal for YOUR company or organization’s:
    • Internal and external marketing and sales teams
    • Customer service team
    • Keynote presentation at an awards or recognition event
    • Light hearted and fun audience interactive event
  1. The Questioning Five– A presentation on the five Open Ended Questions that obligate anyone of whom they’re asked to self-qualify or disqualify themselves on whatever subject you’re addressing.  This is an audience participation presentation that’s fun, fast moving and informative.
  2. A Custom Presentation Formulated To Your Needs/Requirements

Call Hiett Ives at 832-372-6900 or email Hiett@HiettIves.com to discuss these communication tools.

What Our Clients Say

  • “I started a busi­ness and was in need of some­one to write and edit web­site page copy. I was very pleased with how pro­fes­sional and rea­son­ably priced Hiett was for the work I was seek­ing. I def­i­nitely felt con­fi­dent that Hiett had the expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge I needed. I will use Hiett again for any future writing and editing needs.”

    - Robert Meyer - Meyer Power
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