Category - That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

The French Invasion – Verse 2

Categorized In: That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

Here’s the second verse of the French Invasion, starting with a Tex/French story shared by a reader of last week’s offering:   “As Cafeteria manager at a major Houston corporate facility, we posted next week’s menu on the shop floor so employees could know what the cafeteria was serving each day.   The menu started […]


The French Invasion

Categorized In: That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

The French language leads the “English Invasion” Cul-de-sac Cul (coll./vulgar) = bottom, ass,de (preposition) = from, of, sac = bag Bottom of the bag – And lots of people want houses on these?!?! RSVP = répondez s’il vous plaît Répondez, = to reply, to answer, s’il vous plaît = please – a compound of s’ (abbrev. […]


TANR – Present Tense & Open Ended Questions

Categorized In: That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

Well established organizations – Churches, Fraternal Groups, Colleges – pride themselves in what they’ve accomplished over their lifetime. For example, a large local church states…


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