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How many spaces do you leave after a period at the end of a sentence?

Categorized In: Grammar Tips, Uncategorized

The Old Way – Two Spaces After the Period Most typewriter fonts (some of us still remember those) are what are called monospaced fonts – every character takes up the same amount of space. An “i” takes up as much space as an “m,” for example. When using a monospaced font, where everything is the […]



Categorized In: Uncategorized

The fourth Thursday in November is one of the best days of the year. Thanksgiving has all the elements of the perfect holiday — you get to eat delicious food, spend time with family and friends, and you don’t even have to leave the house (if your family is hosting, that is). Since Thanksgiving is unaffiliated with any […]


The Spanish Invasion Of English Is Next

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In 1819, Spain ceded their Florida colony (including parts of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana) to the United States. With centuries of shifting borders, Spanish and English have had numerous opportunities to rub off on each other. Here are just some of the Spanish words you probably use every day: 9 States – Including: Texas – […]


The French Invasion – Verse 2

Categorized In: That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

Here’s the second verse of the French Invasion, starting with a Tex/French story shared by a reader of last week’s offering:   “As Cafeteria manager at a major Houston corporate facility, we posted next week’s menu on the shop floor so employees could know what the cafeteria was serving each day.   The menu started […]


The French Invasion

Categorized In: That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

The French language leads the “English Invasion” Cul-de-sac Cul (coll./vulgar) = bottom, ass,de (preposition) = from, of, sac = bag Bottom of the bag – And lots of people want houses on these?!?! RSVP = répondez s’il vous plaît Répondez, = to reply, to answer, s’il vous plaît = please – a compound of s’ (abbrev. […]


Christmas Memories

Categorized In: Fun Blogs

The first Christmas I can remember was when I was 4 or 5 and my parents told my younger sister and me we were not to wake them until after the street lights went out.  Now I don’t know how I woke up BEFORE those lights went out, but I did and my sister and […]


TANR – Present Tense & Open Ended Questions

Categorized In: That Ain’t Not Right (TANR) Postings

Well established organizations – Churches, Fraternal Groups, Colleges – pride themselves in what they’ve accomplished over their lifetime. For example, a large local church states…


TSM – Tradeshow Warning Signs

Categorized In: Trade Show Marketing (TSM) Postings

When you see these – BEWARE – In the multiple decades of my domestic and international trade show participation, a recent experience at a state professional association’s annual continuing…


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